Clinical Workflows
Mobilengine apps for healthcare professionals help workers make decisions rapidly, lower error rates, and improve data quality and accessibility. Our healthcare management software will give you a comprehensive view of all your clinical workflows, no matter how complex. Plus you don’t have to change your current EHR tools as we can easily integrate to your existing healthcare management systems and medical records software. Patient care documentation and ward solution features include: a bleep app, an ICU/ITU app, a ward round app, mobile patient admission and discharge apps, a procedure management app, a patient feeding and calories app and an early warning scoring app.
Improve Patient Care
The Mobilengine medical app help workers such as physicians, nurses and clinicians coordinate their tasks efficiently, increasing the level of patient care. This screenshot of our healthcare app shows a sample of one patient’s diet and caloric information, providing real-time information that can greatly improve both the efficiency of the team and the experience of the patient in their care. With our mobile healthcare technology, guesswork or missing paperwork about the patient’s mealtimes is eliminated – and caloric goals and intake are monitored precisely.
Optimize Ward Rounds
This screenshot of one of our mobile medical apps shows a sample of an intensive care unit’s patient dashboard. Diagnosis, comorbidities and procedures are all shown and color coded to show whether the patient is currently active. With a these doctor apps healthcare professionals can see the status of patients, their diagnoses and any procedures the patient is undergoing. Mobilengine’s client Worcestershire NHS Trust saw the time it took to complete an ITU Ward round cut in half with use of our healthcare mobile technology.