Monthly Archives:July 2015

Nurses are leading the drive for a mobile health care industry, as these tools improve the quality of care they can deliver to patients. But what mobile workflow apps are they using?

Nurses love mobile apps

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Mobility has taken the health care industry by storm, as medical professionals quickly discovered that the miniature computer in their pockets and attached to their belts could improve the quality of care when mobile health care apps are installed. Now, demand for mobile workflow apps has exploded.

MIT Technology Review reported that at its EmTech conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Jeannette Tighe, from the HealthTech Advisory practice at Sagentia, explained that by the end of 2015, there will be 500 million smartphone users taking advantage of health care-related mobile apps. In addition, the market for those apps will be worth around $26 billion in 2017, as the world’s aging population demands cutting-edge medical care. However, with the ICD-10 implementation deadline on its way in only a few short months, doctors don’t have the time to devote to look at mobile workflow solutions.

The good news is that nurses are picking up the slack, and they are truly inspiring the health care industry to take more advantage of mobile apps. According to a recent report from InCrowd, 88 percent of resident nurses use smartphone apps on a daily basis to complete nursing work, while only 67 percent of medical residents used mobile apps for clinical care.

“88% of nurses use smartphone apps daily for nursing work.”

Simply put, nurses are leading the drive for a mobile health care industry, as these tools improve the quality of care they can deliver to patients. But what mobile workflow apps are they using? Let’s take a look at four of the most critical mobile health care apps.

1. Ward round apps

Patients often joke that they see their nurses more frequently than doctors, but there is good reason for this: RNs need to ensure that patients are always monitored.

Perhaps this is why mobile ward round apps have become such a critical part of nurses’ daily work routines. With this type of solution, RNs can record patients’ statuses, diagnoses and procedures, so when the doctor does come around, he or she will be ready to provide quality care.

Ward round apps also make nurses more productive. Mobilengine’s client Worcestershire NHS Trust managed to reduce the time RNs took to complete ward rounds by half with its mobile solution.

2. Patient admission and discharge apps

Traditional paper processes have made patient admissions and discharges lengthy and complex. This is why nurses love mobile apps that solve this problem, as they can easily access all necessary patient care information without taking their eyes off patients.

Armed with a solution for patient admission and discharge, RNs can ensure that every patient is suited to be admitted or discharged, without worrying about missing any critical steps or procedures.

Mobile health care apps make nurses jobs easier, resulting in higher quality of care and more productive staff members.Mobile health care apps make nurses’ jobs easier, resulting in higher quality of care and more productive staff members.

3. Procedure management apps

The health care sector is stressful and fast-paced, giving nurses little to no time to question actions or pause to make decisions. This has lead 52 percent of RNs to use their smartphones instead of asking a question of a nursing colleague, and 32 percent consult their mobile apps rather than bothering a doctor, according to InCrowd.

With procedure management apps, nurses can ensure that they are following procedures to the letter, reducing the chance of errors, saving precious time and improving their productivity in the process.

4. Patient feeding apps

Nurses are flooded with a wealth of patient information every minute, making it difficult to discern what’s critical and what’s fluff. Patient feeding data falls into the former category, as RNs must ensure that patients are always healthy by providing them with food and beverages accordingly. Prior to the development of mobile workflow solutions, keeping track of this information was difficult at best. However, thanks to patient feeding apps, nurses can quickly and easily identify which patients need nutrients before leaving the kitchen.

Health care professionals and mobile workflow apps belong together, and perhaps with the number of nurses using these solutions, doctors will slowly come around to adopting mobility – but maybe after ICD-10 is implemented.

Independent Review of Mobilengine Developer Documentation

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This week we are happy to present writer and developer John Xenakis’s independent review of our developer documentation and SDK. John created an in-depth review which we want to share with our readers.

Over the years I’ve worked on over 100 different software applications and I’ve used many development tools (such as Mobilengine). As a part-time technology journalist, particularly for ten years as Technology Editor of CFO Magazine, I’ve written over a thousand articles; I’ve also interviewed thousands of CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, software development managers, and programmers. In addition, as a personal project, I’ve been developing an Android app called “Professional Debt Calculator”. One question that went through my mind as I started is whether your documentation provides me with enough information so that I could implement ProDebtCalc using Mobilengine.

There’s a lot of sophisticated material in this tutorial manual. One thing that should be considered is converting it to a couple of in-class courses, one introductory course, and one advanced course.

Tutorial – “Sandbox View”
Tutorial – Advanced Capabilities
Scripting and Computations
The Big Picture

Tutorial – “Sandbox View”

The tutorial puts you right into the sandbox, where you start playing with the tools and creating simple applications. I found the explanations clear and easy to follow. The pattern consistently followed in the document was, “Here’s what we’ve done; next, you’ll want to do that; here’s how you do that.” That worked very well throughout the document.

An issue is that you’re starting out right in the sandbox, and you’re always in the sandbox. The reader never has an opportunity to get out of the sandbox and get the big picture. I’ll suggest several possibilities as I go along. As I was reading through the manual, I was thinking about my ProDebtCalc program, and wondering how much of it I could implement using Mobilengine. As I developed my program, the UI evolved into a three-level infrastructure: dataItems (interest rate, start date, interest assessment rule, etc.), dataBlocks (collections of related dataItems), and tabData (collections of dataBlocks on a single tab, allowing the user to select different tabs).

Tutorial – Advanced Capabilities

One of the problems of writing a tutorial manual for Mobilengine is that Mobilengine itself violates the Principle of Least Astonishment in some ways, especially for a newbie who may have never seen anything like this before. I’m going to suggest additional some additional explanatory material that you may wish to consider.

I mentioned that I’ve taught programming courses in procedural languages like Java, but I’ve never done so for a language that’s XML-based, so I don’t know how difficult it would be, but I think many newbies approaching this tutorial manual will be confused because they’ve never seen anything like this before.

I think some introductory material on the pros and cons for procedural vs xml-based languages would be very helpful for the “big picture,” because otherwise when you’re just thrown into the sandbox, it takes a while to figure out what’s going on. This is where a user story will be extremely useful – a user explaining how he sees the differences, the pros and cons, between a procedural language and an xml-based language. Actually, several user stories explaining it in different ways would be most credible.

I taught programming courses over three decades in different procedural languages, and I discovered something that really surprised me, once I figured out what was going on. Students could understand assignment statements like “a=5; b=6; x=a+b;” and know what’s going on. In addition, when the variables were changed from numeric to string, and the operator was concatenation, they had no trouble dealing with that as well.

However, when the value of the variable was a pointer to another variable, as in “p=addr(x); p->x = p->x + 1;”, I would lose about 1/3 of the class, no matter how many times I explained. My conclusion was that pointers were simply too abstract a concept for many programmers. This is similar to the situation where a student in geometry class might be able to apply the formula to compute the area of an isosceles triangle, but could not even begin to understand how to prove something, such as that a triangle with two equal sides has two equal angles.

In advanced programming courses, where I described in class how to implement a linked list, sorting a linked list, adding a new element to a linked list, or removing an element, even programmers who had years of programming experience were simply unable to understand this example, or solve the homework problems related to it. Once again, my conclusion was that even for experienced programmers, use of pointers was simply too abstract to understand. This is similar to a calculus student who can mechanically apply the formula to differentiate a function, but has no understanding of how to derive that formula.

In languages like C++, Java, C#, Python, etc., this problem is simplified by providing a collection of data structures (linked lists, maps, adjustable arrays, hash tables, sorted sets, etc.) The programmer can mechanically use the APIs for these data structures, even if he’s incapable of understanding how any of them are implemented.

Many readers of your manual are going to have similar difficulties trying to understand how data tables work. I noticed that you provided a link to an sqllite tutorial, but you might consider inserting a chapter on the use of tables in Mobilengine. This chapter doesn’t need to follow the pattern of adding one feature after another to the Rocky Jupiter application. It could be a chapter to help the newbie overcome his inability to understand the concept of a data table. The objective would be to provide enough examples so that the user can apply the examples mechanically, without needing to understand how the tables are implemented.

Another major issue has to do with synchronizing updates to the database in a multi-user environment. I know from a number of experiences that many long-time programmers really have no clue how large multi-threaded systems work, and how to synchronize multiple threads. This requires a level of abstraction that goes well beyond even pointers and data structures, and beyond the capabilities of perhaps 75+% of programmers. I noticed that you provided some excellent examples of data synchronization. I just want to make the point that a large number of your readers will not have a clue what’s going on, but probably what you’ve done is as good as can be done.

Scripting and Computations

When I was reading about the scripting language, I immediately wondered how much capability it had compared to, say, Perl or JavaScript. The documented examples seem to suggest that the capabilities are extremely limited, and I couldn’t find any additional documentation online. Whatever the capabilities, the scripting language needs at least a full reference summary.

My ProDebtCalc app performs brief computations in several places, and a very big computation at the end to do the amortization. I was wondering how I would do these computations in a Mobilengine implementation.

The scripting language does not seem capable of even simple computations, as would be required, for example, in an e-commerce app that needs computations to configure a product. So how, I wondered, would I implement the computations in my app, particularly the amortization computation, which currently runs on my mobile phone in 8000 lines of Java code?

The manual seemed to provide only one workaround: Do the computation on my own computational server somewhere, then request a computation from the app by going through the Mobilengine server:

App <> MBE-Server <> Endpoint My-Computational-Server

The computational server would provide the results as back to the Mobilengine server in the form of a series of tables. The above would work, but could take a long time for each request, and require two sets of large data transfers, since the amortization table can be thousands of lines long.

Perhaps there’s an “escape mechanism” in the scripting language that lets the app make a procedure call to a compiled program on the mobile device. Even then, the mortization table data apparently would have to be transmitted to the Mobilengine server, and then bring the data back again to display in the user interface. This is an important issue.

In other words, there are a lot of issues here having to do with computations. It may be that Mobilengine doesn’t support apps that do a lot of computations, or it may be that there are workarounds that I’m not aware of (or that I missed in my reading). In any case, there should be a chapter of the manual describing this whole subject.

The Big Picture

From what I’ve read on the internet, Mobilengine has a very good story to tell about the big picture, and some of that story should be included in the manual.

I’ve already discussed some of the issues that the developer is going to be concerned about, how an xml-based language works, how to do dynamic forms, and how to do computations.

There are also issues that the development manager / CIO / CFO should concern themselves with. I understand that Mobilengine has thousands of users in Europe, so there’s a positive story to tell. It would be great if the reader can be told this story in the introduction to the manual, and should be reminded of this in other places by referring to the large number of users. Another issue CIOs are concerned about is how well the tool is supported. This can also be handled with user stories.

Also, an issue for CIOs is “brick walls.” I’ve discussed a number of possible issues (doing computations, etc.), so the concern for the CIO will be whether something will need to be done, but it can’t be done using this tool, and there’s no workaround to get it done. I think that the best way to handle this issue is to be honest about it, and talk to your users about problems they’ve had.

Another issue is data security. This is a serious issue for a lot of companies, and in some cases (when health or financial information is involved), there may be strict regulatory requirements. The CIO needs to know that company data is protected, and the development programmer needs to know what he has to do in the code to make sure that data is protected.

Related to data security is malware and hacking. The entire security issue is very important, and should be thoroughly addressed in the documentation at all levels, from coder to CIO.

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The problem in retail mobility is that designing user experience for business-to-employee apps is much different than creating a consumer mobile app, but merchants don't understand this.

Retail mobility and developing employee-facing mobile apps

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Retailers know that they need to provide consumers with a mobile app in order to improve the customer experience. After all, with everyone armed with a mobile device, it seems foolish to not make brand interactions easier, more intuitive and uniquely engaging. Businesses clearly know how to create a great mobile app and meet end users’ needs with designs geared toward improving the user experience, but when applying these ideals to employee-facing mobile workflow apps, retailers often fall short.

According to an article written by Kyle Hodgson, principal consultant and software developer at ThoughtWorks Canada for Sandhill, the problem in retail mobility is that designing a good user experience for business-to-employee apps is much different than creating a consumer mobile app. The source explained that merchants need to think more long term when creating mobile workflow apps for their staff members. Therefore, retailers should consider mobile app development platforms, as these meet the three demands for long-term app use.

“Retailers need a mobile app development platform that scales over time.”

The need for scale

Instead of merely meeting immediate needs by throwing together mobile apps as department heads and executives demand them, retailers need to be proactive in choosing a mobile app development platform that scales over time. This way, merchants will have a stable environment and workflow framework that enables their IT teams to quickly create a solution for every task.

Mobile development platforms provide those capabilities, and cloud-based offerings will enable retailers to develop mobile workflow apps for every situation without draining financial resources. With a framework for creating a variety of workflow apps and support from the cloud, retailers can ostensibly design and deploy everything from timesheet and worksheet apps to order management and invoice preparation programs to store check apps, warehouse stock data apps and anything in between.

Develop with speed

Retailers cannot simply develop a large collection of apps without investing either time or money into the process. While an MADP helps keep costs low, merchants need to create mobile workflow apps quickly in order to address small problems before they become huge issues. This is where rapid development platforms help.

When developing for a consumer, retailers can take their time to make the app as interactive as possible and feature-rich, but employees don’t need bells and whistles, they need a solution to their problems today, not tomorrow. MADPs ensure that merchants have a mobile workflow app as soon as possible, and from that point, IT teams can quickly address any other issues that appear over time. For example, a retailer might only need order management or merchandising apps at the start, but when they look to ship items or sell products on the road, a mileage recording app will be essential. The company simply won’t have time to create an app that quickly without an MADP such as Mobilengine.

Using a tablet to monitor invoicing and orders will make employees more productive.Using a tablet to monitor invoicing and orders will make employees more productive.

Design for usability

The user experience plays just as large as a role in business-to-employee apps as it does in consumer-facing mobile solutions. The main difference in development, however, comes in designing the mobile app for the workflow. Developer Tech reported that user interfaces and employee mobile app experiences are just as important as functional requirements, so apps need to be built natively with mobile device capabilities in mind.

Furthermore, the source cited a study conducted by Avanade that found 86 percent of companies agree that good user interfaces are “essential to productivity.” By focusing on what data is required and what steps need to be taken, a mobile workflow app’s interface will be easy to manage, ensuring that employees can always get work done. This means having distribution apps with clear organization and the ability to simply discover data, or providing out of stock management apps that allow staff members to record missing inventory quickly and easily.

Whether retailers need timesheet and order management apps or sales teams need customer visit reporting apps, these businesses should always think in the long term. They need a platform that can support a wealth of mobile workflow solutions as well as systems that can handle scalability. Armed with those tools and resources, retailers and sales professionals can solve their mobility problems.

Here are a few aspects of mobility that these firms should demand from their mobile app.

What makes a great mobile logistics app?

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Enterprise mobility quickly evolved from an optional advantage to an absolute necessity, especially in the logistics sector. While trucking and transport companies weren’t particularly on board with providing drivers, facility managers and service technicians with mobile devices, the results of arming employees with proof of delivery apps, turn-by-turn navigation apps and vehicle inspection apps were overwhelming. All of a sudden, whole logistics organizations became dramatically more productive, safer and valuable on the market.

However, not all businesses in the logistics industry leveraged mobility in the right way. As Apps Tech News reported, organizations that simply port enterprise resource planning software or other solutions to mobile devices aren’t solving problems with mobility – instead they’re just making tasks mobile. According to the source, that is the primary reason why 71 percent of mobile projects only deliver “average or poor” returns on investment.

Rather than using desktop software on a mobile device, logistics firms need to deploy specific apps for workflows, ensuring that drivers and managers can send reports back to headquarters from the road or quickly inspect a vehicle.

What else should trucking, transport and logistics companies look for in enterprise mobility solutions and mobile workflow apps? Here are a few aspects of mobility that these firms should demand from their mobile apps.

At the end of the day, regardless of anything else, employees need to find mobile apps useful, as well as be able to use them with ease and minimal frustration. This means that the app must solve a specific problem, and it must also introduce a path of least resistance.

Managing logistics with complex, non-native apps creates headaches.
Managing logistics with complex, non-native apps creates headaches.

So, rather than developing a mobile app that does everything, logistics firms should choose mobile app development platforms that provide a loose framework on which any workflow can be applied. This ensures that managers have a tool specifically for them, such as a freight task management app. The same goes for drivers who will demand damage report apps that make that process simpler, not introduce a whole different level of accountability.

If mobile apps live alone in silos, this makes data collection, information sharing and collaboration much more difficult than it should be. Instead of porting an ERP to a mobile device, logistics firms should create proof of delivery apps and others that integrate with corporate platforms and software. This guarantees that mobile apps are put to good use, but it also ensures that administrators back at headquarters get to experience the productivity benefits of mobile solutions – they won’t have to manually file paperwork or enter data ever again.

“Mobile apps should be able to scan and read NFC and RFID chips.”

Features and capabilities
Logistics firms need mobile apps that support the wide range of technologies at their disposal, especially with the Internet of Things on the tech horizon. Simply put, mobile apps should be able to scan and read NFC and RFID chips, as well as allow employees to insert photographs of documents, objects or barcodes. This removes many steps in the data collection process, guaranteeing productivity gains.

Developer Tech highlighted the story of a team on the road which could authenticate account information by scanning a serial number with a smartphone camera. According to the source, that business’s employees became more efficient and productive as a result.

Offline support
It’s rare in the modern era to not have Internet connectivity, but the best logistics firms are always prepared. After all, if a mobile app doesn’t support offline productivity, it’s essentially useless in certain locations.

With offline support, employees can enter data wherever they don’t have Internet access, and that information will upload automatically. This ensures that employees are always working and are always able to complete their job.

Logistics firms will have a hard time finding mobile apps that support all these capabilities, which is why development platforms have become the coin of the mobility realm in recent years. Solutions such as Mobilengine meet these demands and more, making it the MADP of choice for logistics companies.

Security and guarding services can bring their forces into the 21st century by outfitting them with the perfect tool for multiple jobs: a mobile device with workflow apps installed.

Gearing up for security service demands

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At a time when every organization is restructuring their cybersecurity systems and data protection teams, private security and guarding headlines are often overshadowed by reports of data breaches and network intrusions. However, that doesn’t mean that this industry is doing poorly by any means. In fact, the U.S. private security market is on the rise, as more enterprises realize that physical assets are just as mission-critical as their digital counterparts.

In a recent study titled “Private Security Services,” researchers found that the demand for private security and guarding services in the U.S. will expand 5 percent in the next four years. Reasons for this market growth include concerns about crimes, as expected, but more enterprises are seeking outsourced security guard teams in order to monitor technological equipment in government buildings, schools and hospitals, the source noted.

“Equipment has an ‘enormous impact’ on how security officers work.”

Simply put, private security services need to improve the quality of their services if they want to compete in the U.S. market, as enterprises are certain to be picky when it comes to protecting their brands, employees and equipment. The good news is that these guarding and security firms can optimize their forces with new tools. After all, as Security Magazine reported, what equipment security officers are armed with has “an enormous impact” on how they work and how they are perceived by internal staff members and corporate outsiders.

Security and guarding services can bring their forces into the 21st century by outfitting them with the perfect tool for multiple jobs: a mobile device with workflow apps installed. So, let’s take a look at what equipment is popular in this sector, since many of those solutions can simply be replaced by a smartphone and access to Mobilengine apps.

Alarm monitoring
According to the report on private security, digital video surveillance systems and alarmed smart homes are increasing the demand for guarding and security squads that can protect and monitor this equipment. Alarms themselves will account for almost one third of all security service spending once 2019 rolls around, meaning that security guards need ways to keep track of their employers’ different alarms and surveillance systems. Furthermore, employees must be able to securely access alarm codes, so as to ensure that no one gains unauthorized access to data centers, offices and homes.

This is why arming security guards with mobile devices and mobile workflow apps is so important. Alarm access code apps, for example, make protecting corporate and personal assets easy while keeping data safe and secure from employees and staff members as soon as their shift ends. Security guards can use that app to receive alarm codes for a short period of time, allowing them to connect back to headquarters and verify their identities before being displayed.

Bring security forces into the 21st century with mobile devices and apps.
Bring security forces into the 21st century with mobile devices and apps.

Equipment check-ins
As the importance of cybersecurity grows, more and more executives feel the need to physically protect data centers around the clock and secure end user computers overnight. The private security services report highlighted importance of using “highly trained guards” to do so, but maybe it’s more about the tools these employees have.

With security tour planning and security task management apps, however, security service providers can make anyone an elite task force capable of securing a variety of assets. These mobility solutions allow security guards to track their routes and report to headquarters when certain pieces of equipment or rooms are secured, ensuring that no stone is left unturned. Additionally, with RFID and NFC capabilities enabled in these mobile apps, administrators can monitor the progress of employees.

With a growing market comes competition, and as that’s current the case in the security and guarding services industry, these firms need to ensure that their guards and team members are prepared and armed with the latest gadgets and mobile workflow apps to successfully and satisfactorily complete their jobs.

Rising cost of safety leads logistics firms to mobile apps [Video]

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The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals recently released the 26th annual “State of Logistics Report,” and all signs point to a costly 2014.

Hi, and welcome to the Mobilengine video blog!

This year’s “State of Logistics Report” from the CSCMP noted some trucking industry highs and low, and it seems that mobility can solve one of 2014’s biggest issues.

The report revealed that the total cost of U.S. business logistics rose 3.1 percent in 2014 compared to the year prior, with a majority of trucking companies citing spending related to new federal safety regulations.

The good news is that mobile logistics apps from Mobilengine can cut those costs and improve security.

The vehicle inspection app, for example, allows truck drivers to check on the quality of their transportation every day without hindering productivity, while a proof of delivery app can lower the cost of package insurance. Then there’s the navigation workflow app that ensures drivers always take the right routes, improving the safety of employees on the road.

Using smartphones to enter data, take photos or scan NFC chips will guarantee tasks are completed, which gives logistics firms peace of mind.

That’s all for today! Check back with Mobilengine for more mobility news and tips!

Trashing tradition in trucking with mobile apps and same-day invoicing [Video]

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The trucking and logistics industry has a revenue problem, and mobile workflow apps can solve it.

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When logistics companies think about mobility and providing their drivers with smartphones, productivity is often the first thing that comes to mind. However, the benefits of mobile workflow apps go far beyond efficiency improvements.

In fact, smartphones paired with proof of delivery apps can help logistics companies collect payments faster after successful delivery. Truck drivers just need to photograph any required documents, gather signatures via the touch-screen interface and send them immediately back to headquarters.

In an industry where companies usually wait between six and eight weeks to collect payments on deliveries, same-day invoicing and proof of delivery is revolutionary.

It all starts with a reliable mobile workflow app solution, and if same-day invoicing sounds intriguing to you, stick with Mobilengine for more mobility news, tips and facts!

Mobile fever is catching on, and now many health care professionals demand access to mobile devices and apps.

How can health care providers meet doctors’ demand for mobile apps?

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Doctors and nurses have been using technology for decades, but health care providers have yet to truly embrace the 21st century. At many hospitals and clinics, health care professionals rely on desktop computers and large immovable equipment. As a result, doctors and nurses must always return to a station or PC, collecting information on the next patient in their rounds tour before repeating the processes over and over again.

The good news is that mobile fever is catching on, and now many health care professionals demand access to mobile devices and apps. According to Research Now, only 16 percent of doctors, nurses and other health care employees currently use mobile health apps, but 46 percent of these individuals plan on using these technologies to provide better care in the next five years. It seems that medical professionals aren’t the ones that need convincing.

A demand and no capacity to meet it

Instead, health care providers are hesitant about developing their own mobile apps in house due to the sheer demand. Gartner reported that by the end of 2017, the demand for mobile apps will be five times bigger than internal IT teams’ ability to create new solutions for employees.

“Mobile app demand will be 5 times bigger than IT teams development capabilities.”

Gartner principal research analyst Adrian Leow explained that the cost to hire developers is only one hurdle that organizations must clear, with others ranging from the difficulty to create mobile health care apps to a lack of strategic planning when it comes to development. Compouding the issue is the demand for apps for every possible task. Nurses want ward round apps, administrators crave mobile patient admission apps, staff members need patient feeding and calories apps and doctors demand ICU/ITU apps.

The challenges to developing mobile health care apps has resulted in some organizations releasing no mobile apps at all.

“This is an indication of the nascent state of mobility in most organizations, with many organizations questioning how to start app development in terms of tools, vendors, architectures or platforms, let alone being able to scale up to releasing 100 apps or more,” said Leow.

Working with professionals

Health care providers can overcome their confusion in the initial phases of developing a mobility strategy. It just takes a little guidance and some help from mobile app development platform providers like Mobilengine.

As explained by Gartner, rapid mobile app development tools provide a great way to “bridge the gap between mobile app demand and supply,” as those in business roles can use these platforms to create solutions to actual problems in their organizations. For example, health care providers can take the time to determine what workflows can be supported by mobile apps. Tasks such as patient admission and discharge are perfect for mobile devices, while nurses will definitely demand a ward round app. Taking stock of what apps which employees want is a challenge in itself, let alone developing everything from ICU apps to early warning scoring apps.

Whether doctors and nurses want to use tablets or smartphones doesn't matter with Mobilengine's native mobile apps.Whether doctors and nurses want to use tablets or smartphones doesn’t matter with Mobilengine’s native mobile apps.

Developing those mobile apps in house is time-consuming and costly, but with support from Mobilengine, development will be more efficient and focused on improving core tasks in a hospital or clinic. Gartner noted that 55 percent of organizations work with companies like Mobilengine in a process called “mixed sourcing.” This is the best way to meet the demand of health care professionals, as the IT team has many other aspects of their internal systems to worry about. So, instead of spending a month developing a patient admission app, providers can spend a month working with Mobilengine’s experience developers and strategists to create a mobile health care app for every role.

Convincing the providers

It’s clear that doctors and nurses demand mobile apps, and solutions like Mobilengine’s make the development process for dozens of different health care tools possible to begin with. But health care providers need to see the value in allowing their employees to use mobile patient admission apps, ward round apps and many others that make their jobs easier.

So, let’s leave it at this: According to Research Now, 96 percent of health care professionals and mobile health app users agree that these solutions improve the quality of life – isn’t that what health care is about in the first place?

Security services: 2 Sides to the mobile productivity coin [Video]

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Mobility and productivity go hand in hand, but did you know that the benefits of going mobile in security and cash management impact more than just employees in the field?

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With more businesses opting for private security and guarding services in recent years, these firms are busier than ever.

To improve the productivity of employees and therefore do more in less time, the world’s largest security company G4S gave their staff members Android tablets and workflow apps for cash management, ATM audit processes and cash-in-transit monitoring.

The days of performing manual data entry are over, and inefficient processes are put to rest. Thanks to Mobilengine’s 100 percent offline capabilities and backend integration, security firms can reduce field administration by up to 60 percent, as employees collect data, take photos and check tourplans on their mobile devices.

But that isn’t the only benefit of mobile workflow apps. When employees can send data directly into corporate apps and databases, businesses can cut 40 percent of back-office administration duties.

With mobile app platform-as-a-service solutions such as Mobilengine, cash management firms save time and improve operational efficiency while in the office or out in the field.

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Construction companies might be surprised to learn that by combining the cloud and mobile construction apps, they will be able to communication in real-time with little spending and far less development and integration time.

Construction mobility: There’s a live update app for that

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The construction industry is no stranger to innovation, but when it comes to technology, some firms are lagging behind on implementing cutting-edge solutions to problems that are far too common. While some organizations might fear the costs of upgrading, others are worried that deploying brand new systems could impede productivity, eating up valuable time that could be spent improving different processes.

Global Construction explained that some construction companies have certainly moved onto new and better technologies, but it isn’t rare for these businesses to still rely on legacy software and spreadsheets. These old systems are holding the industry back, and this is primarily due to the lack of real-time communication. In fact, the source highlighted the fact that the current reliance on archaic solutions only allows construction firms to collect data every four to six weeks.

“79% of construction firms said mobility is ‘important’ or ‘very important.'”

Saving the day with mobile
Construction companies might be surprised to learn that by combining the cloud and mobile construction apps, they will be able to communicate in real-time with little spending and far less development and integration time. The road to paperless administration is just around the corner for many firms, as mobile app development platforms such as Mobilengine allow construction businesses to digitize workflows with a mobile app to meet their every construction mobility need.

The good news is that many construction firms already have mobile strategies. According to a report from JBKnowledge, 72 percent of construction workers use a smartphone and around 50 percent use a tablet for work-related reasons. Their employers immediately noticed how useful mobile devices in the field can be, as over 79 percent of firms reported that mobility is “important” or “very important.”…

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