If this is your first Mobilengine tutorial, you can get up to speed with the solution artifacts from Part 1 and Part 2 of the mobile form development tut.
What you'll be learning in the following tutorials:
You can download all the artifacts created in this tutorial from this link.
The Mobilengine Cloud not only helps you manage and monitor your workflow solutions and related artifacts - if you publish workflow scripts along with your solution artifacts, you can program the Cloud to post-process form submission data. Workflow scripts have a JavaScript-like syntax, and you can use them to update, add, or delete data in reference tables any way you need.
This tutorial is an introduction to workflow scripting; it shows you how you can let your users update a reference table in the Mobilengine Cloud by adding, deleting, or modifying a Contacts list dynamic list control in your form that is data-bound to the reference table.
You'll also learn how you can prepare your scripts to handle conflicting edits to the same reference table made by different users at the same time.
Though this might sound like a fairly simple and practical application of server-side scripting, the tutorial will showcase everything you need to know to tackle even complex scripting challenges in your mobile form solutions.