System paramaters, table, and more variables

In this section, you'll be learning about

  • the user system parameter (the current user of your form),

  • the table control,

  • the COUNT data-binding function.

Let's assess your contributions so far: the Vehicle Inspection form makes Rocky Jupiter drivers check various parts of their truck, generated from a reference table. The Rocky Jupiter specifications, however, also require a way to have drivers select a truck for themselves to inspect and then drive off.

You don't want to let drivers pick a truck that is not assigned to them, so you'll want to filter the list of trucks by the current user of the form. For this, you'll access the user system parameter which references the current form fill session, and specifies the current user of your form.

You also don't want to allow the driver to select more than one truck, so you'll have to make your form count user input in the form.

This is what you'll be making in this section - the user's name is displayed at the top, and the user cannot submit the form if more than one truck is selected in the table

Figure 89. This is what you'll be making in this section - the user's name is displayed at the top, and the user cannot submit the form if more than one truck is selected in the table

Display the data in a table control.