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Declares a date in the database as a dtl
The method does not perform time zone conversion on the database date value - if the dtdb was
originally a UTC date value, dtdb.DeclareAsDtl()
will throw an error message
at runtime.
The dtl.DtuToDtdb()
method removes the milliseconds part of the dtl value
during conversion, and so a dtl value converted to dtdb and then declared as a dtl using the
method are not strictly equal.
var c = dtl.Now(); var d = c.DtlToDtdb(); ... var g =d.DeclareAsDtl()
; var h = (c == g); // returns false trace c; trace g; trace h; /* the DeclareAs... methods do no actual data type conversion this would fail with the 'Cannot declare local time as Dtu' error at runtime var i = c.DtlToDtdb().DeclareAsDtu(); trace i; */