Converts a numeric value to a string.
A string that is the result of unparsing the numeric argument with the
is limited to client-side queries, which means that it does
not work with arguments that are the direct results of a server-side query. When you need to
stringify an integer or float that you query from a reference table on the server, a
workaround is to store the result of the server-side query in a let
variable on the client-side, and then run formatnumber()
on the variable. Best practice though is to use the
function as it works both on the server-side and the
The sample below has two table
controls that query the same reference table.
The first one uses the tostring()
function to convert the integer query
result to a string. The second one uses formatnumber() to attempt to do the same - this part
of the sample code would fail at compile-time if you uncommented it.
To be able to run the server-side query to a reference table in the example below, you'll need the declaration file and some input data for the reference table that the code sample queries.
<table label="This control uses the TOSTRING() function to format the result of its server-side reference table query" id="tableGdoo" recordset='{SELECTTOSTRING(k.numint)
v FROM nufDtl k}' record="gdoo"> <row> <cell> <textview text='{gdoo.v}'/> </cell> </row> </table> <!--This would throw an error at compile time because the query attempts to run a client-side function on a server-side reference table query <table id="tableHku" recordset='{SELECTFORMATNUMBER(k.numint,
groupSeparator:" "})
v FROM nufDtl k}' record="hku"> <row> <cell> <textview text='{hku.v}'/> </cell> </row> </table>-->
... <numberbox id="numberNumber" label="Enter your number" float="true" numberFormat='{decimalSeparator:"."}'/> <textview label="Your number in the Zarblaxian format" text='{FORMATNUMBER(numberNumber.number, {decimalSeparator:"ß", groupSize:2, groupSeparator:"%"})}'/> <textview label="Your number in the Elbonian format" text='{FORMATNUMBER(numberNumber.number, {decimalSeparator:"*", groupSize:1, groupSeparator:"@"})}'/> ...