Integration messages, when they arrive to the Mobilengine Cloud, can trigger dedicated
workflow scripts just like form submissions. The most useful and often-used function of
Mobilengine Cloud workflow scripts is processing incoming data to update reference tables
with. The newPO dacs
that you've hard-coded and sent yourself through the
web service client ultimately represents a record in the assignments
, so
why don't you add its contents to assignments
when it comes in? That would
be really spectacular, and a nice demonstration of your integrating skills, because you have
a workflow solution associated with changes to the assignments
Rocky Jupiter drivers are notified about any change to the reference table that has their name on it to drivers in the Driver Task List dashboard form, so the data in the incoming message would instantly get downloaded to one or more mobile devices, and populate a nicely formatted form.
Leverage your previous development work and awe your clients.