Scripting 801: Handling conflicting edits

In the tutorials in this section, you'll be putting everything you've learned so far to good use, bringing Mobilengine workflow solution building to new heights.

You'll be handing your users a searchable, page-able contacts list that they can edit in real time.

The final version of the contacts list, annotated

Figure 127. The final version of the contacts list, annotated

Users can search the contacts (1), sort the results by name or in-company category (2), edit any detail in a new form by tapping a tiny pencil (3), or add a new contact by tapping a silhouette with a plus sign (9), call (4), find using Apple Maps (5), or e-mail (6) the contact directly from the form. Users will be able to page through the results (7) and even set the size of a page (8).

The editing form that pops up when the user taps (3) above

Figure 128. The editing form that pops up when the user taps (3) above

Tapping the pencil or new contact icon in the contact list brings up Edit contact with editable details. When the user submits their changes, the contact's details in the list update in real time.

The complex workflow scripts that you'll be bringing to the table to process the user edits will even make sure that users don't lose their modifications even if other users of the same database submit conflicting updates.