What you will be learning
You can style and format Mobilengine form elements using the dedicated form style language
to create a .syl
-extension stylesheet.
Styling in the Mobilengine universe shares features both with external CSS stylesheets and in-line CSS references: stylesheets must be separately uploaded, but instead of using identifiers or classes, you need to reference the styles defined in the external stylesheets within the controls in the form.
To make the magic happen, write up a stylesheet that defines one or more collections of formatting choices, reference it in your forms, and publish it as just another solution artifact.
This section introduces you to how Mobilengine form styling works so that you can tackle the Rocky Jupiter forms well-prepared.
The Mobilengine Box Model
Mobilengine styles are similar to CSS in that they share the so-called box model as the
basis of laying out and rendering elements. The user interface is rendered as a series of
rectangular boxes that contain one another: outermost is the form canvas
that contains a box for each control, which in turn contain specific control parts such as
and control
as boxes. Controls that contain other
controls (think chapter
or table
) open a new
Just like in CSS, each rectangular box in the hierarchy is further
made up of boxes nested in one another. These have the same names as their CSS counterparts,
and their order, going from outside in: margin, border, padding, and content.
To demonstrate the boxes and how they're nested, consider the following form with four
controls: each control is assigned a different style, that is, a
collection of styling options, using the style
attribute, which must
contain a reference to a style defined in the solution stylesheet to
<form id='boxModel' menuName='The Mobilengine Box Model' platforms='ios web' xmlns='http://schemas.mobilengine.com/fls/v2' menuOrder='1'> <textview label='Warmduscher' text='Zebrastreifenbenutzer'style='{styles.One}'
/> <textview label='Jeansbügler' text='Handschuchschneeballwerfer'style='{styles.Two}'
/> <textview label='Gurtanschnaller' text='Chefwitzlacher'style='{styles.Three}'
/> <textview label='Schattenparker' text='Turnbeutelvergesser'style='{styles.Four}'
/> </form>
The weird German words come from a list of words describing supposedly unmanly behavior types. Learning German is fun.
All stylesheets are text files with the .syl
extension, and have the
styles {}
object as their root that contains one or more
objects. These are the
collections of styling options mentioned earlier. The style
objects are
themselves made up of element-name
objects that specify the formatting for one or more controls
or form elements that you apply the given style to in your form.
It sounds more complex than it really is. If you're even slightly familiar with CSS, the
only interesting bit is that the style option tags use camel case, and that vaélues are
assigned using the =
styles { style One { textview { borderWidth { top = 2px right = 0px bottom = 2px left = 0px } borderColor = 000000 padding { top = 4px right = 6px bottom = 4px left = 6px } margin { top = 8px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } } style Two { textview { borderWidth { top = 4px right = 0px bottom = 4px left = 0px } borderColor = ff0000 padding { top = 6px right = 4px bottom = 6px left = 4px } margin { top = 5px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } } style Three { textview { borderWidth { top = 5px right = 6px bottom = 7px left = 8px } borderColor = bebebe padding { top = 5px right = 20px bottom = 5px left = 20px } margin { top = 15px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } } style Four { textview { borderWidth { top = 4px right = 4px bottom = 4px left = 4px } borderColor = 0000ff padding { top = 20px right = 30px bottom = 20px left = 30px } margin { top = 20px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } } ... }
there's four style
objects in the stylesheet, which might seem a lot to
begin with, but all four are basically the same collection with tweaked values. All four
manipulate the same formatting options of the same textview
Whatever formatting option a style
object doesn't explicitly specified
will be overridden by the default value for that option. More on defaults later.
Each style
object is linked to one of the textview
s in
the form, so when you save the stylesheet and the form above and publish, this is what you
will see on your device.
The distance between the textview
controls (their margin) varies, and
so does the width and color of their borders. The text in the controls is also at varying
distances from the border inside the textview
s, which is what the padding
So far so good, right? No real biggies here - let's move on.
Controls, control parts, control children
Your style
objects so far have a nested object with the name of a form
element, and apply a number of formatting options to it. It all seems crystal clear, but
there are a number of complicating factors that in fact make your job easier or widen your
range of styling options. The whole things is summarized in a handy diagram.
First of all, you don't need to explicitly list all the controls in your form just to
override their defaults and apply the same formatting to each one. By using the
wildcard (line 21 in the stylesheet below), you can specify the same
formatting options (called 'properties') for each control or control part within an element
in a single swoop.
That brings us to the second interesting feature: controls are made up of
control parts such as label
and the control
itself, among
others. You can take granular control of the distinct parts that make up a particular
control in your forms: in the example stylesheet below, both the First
style definitions specify different properties for the
and the control
within nested
s. If you want to style an element as a single unit, just include
the properties as direct children of the element - this is what happens to the
control in lines 6-9 below.
The third and perhaps most interesting feature of Mobilengine styling
syntax is the existence of special properties, such as content
in line 16
below, that are only available for certain types of form elements (you can only specify
for controls with child controls, for example), and that must
always point to one (or more) other
definitions instead of being nested collections of further
You'll find out about all the other special pointer-only properties when you format table controls in the following sections.
styles { ... style Chapter { numberbox { backgroundColor = ff6e4a } chapter { title { backgroundColor = ff0000 } content = chapterContent } } style chapterContent { all { backgroundColor = 00000014 } textbox { margin { top = 20px right = 30px bottom = 20px left = 30px } } } style First { textview { control { borderWidth { top = 2px right = 0px bottom = 2px left = 0px } borderColor = 000000 padding { top = 4px right = 6px bottom = 4px left = 2px } margin { top = 8px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } label { borderWidth { top = 5px right = 0px bottom = 2px left = 0px } borderColor = 7fff00 padding { top = 4px right = 6px bottom = 4px left = 6px } margin { top = 1px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } } } style Second { textview { control { borderWidth { top = 4px right = 8px bottom = 4px left = 8px } borderColor = ff0000 padding { top = 6px right = 4px bottom = 6px left = 16px } margin { top = 5px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } label { borderWidth { top = 0px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } borderColor = 00ff00 padding { top = 1px right = 5px bottom = 1px left = 5px } margin { top = 3px right = 0px bottom = 0px left = 0px } } } } }
associated form references the Chapter
style definition in its root
element, so all the controls will have their listed defaults
<form id='controlParts' menuName='Control parts' platforms='ios web' xmlns='http://schemas.mobilengine.com/fls/v2' menuOrder='2'style='{styles.Chapter}'
> <chapter title='Hosenscheisser'> <textview label='Jeansbügler' text='Handschuchschneeballwerfer' style='{styles.First}'/> <textview label='Warmduscher' text='Zebrastreifenbenutzer' style='{styles.Second}'/> </chapter> <numberbox number='{TOINT("12345678")}' numberFormat='{decimalSeparator:"."}'/> </form>
the stylesheet and the form, and publish as usual, then open on your mobile device. The left
and right parts of the textview
s are displayed differently, the
plays by its own rules, and so do the chapter
and the numberbox
as a whole at the bottom.
Background colors and text
You've been coloring backgrounds and borders like there's no tomorrow, but so far only using a straightforward hexadecimal representation of RGB color codes (such as in line 7 below). The styling language accepts comma-separated non-hexadecimal RGB codes as well (see line 14 below), and hexadecimal RGBA codes too, so you can go ahead and create semi-transparent backgrounds (see line 33 in the stylesheet excerpt below).
Form styling wouldn't be complete without text formatting options: the styling language supports
All of the above have been put to good use in the over-the-top-formatted little demonstration form and its stylesheet.
style Text1 { textview { control { backgroundColor = 6b1d51 fontSize = 1.8 em italic = true fontColor = ffa500 } label { backgroundColor = 0, 53, 38 fontSize = 0.8 em underline = true } } } style Text2 { textview { control { backgroundColor = 32, 18, 9 fontColor = ffffff strikethrough = true textAlign = right } label { backgroundColor = 92099978 textAlign = center bold = true fontColor = 202dc0 } } }
<form id='text' menuName='Background Colors and Text Properties' platforms='ios web' xmlns='http://schemas.mobilengine.com/fls/v2' menuOrder='3'> <textview label='Waldeinsamkeit' text='Drachenfutter'style='{styles.Text1}'
/> <textview label='Torschlusspanik' text='Bratkartoffelverhaeltnis'style='{styles.Text2}'
/> </form>
but because their control parts have been styled quite differently, the effect is a bit like looking at a two-column two-row table. Save, publish, and observe.
Default styles
Knowing about default styles is crucial because every single styling property has a default
value that gets applied to your form elements and their parts implictly. All
definitions do is just selectively override these defaults.
To have a look at the default style property values, use the mebt
Mobilengine Build Tool command. This
will save a copy of the default stylesheet in your current folder so you can pore over it at
your leisure.
If you must, you could use this default.syl
as a template for your own stylesheet, but you'll need to rename it if you do: there can
be only one .syl
file named default
, and that is already
implicitly applied.
definitions in uploaded stylesheets are merged with the default
stylesheet before styles and formatting are applied to the user interface. This effectively
means that the style properties that aren't explicitly styled in one of your
definitions are governed by the default stylesheet. The same
merging of style
definitions goes on whenever you assign more than one
style to a special style property: style property values are merged into a single
definition with the later definition in the comma-separated list
overwriting any conflicting property values.