A container that allows the declaration of the variables defined by its one or more let element children.
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A container that allows the declaration of the variables defined by its one or more let element children.
is allowed as a trait of any control, but must be the very
first child element if present.
... <declarations> <let id="scalarLet" shape="scalar" value='{boxR.text||" , "||boxQ.text }'/> <let id="recordLet" shape="record" value='{TABLE pitter, patte (boxQ.text, boxR.text)}'/> <let id="tableLet" shape="table" value='{TABLE patter (boxQ.text; boxR.text)}'/> </declarations> <textbox id="boxQ" label="Enter a word or two" text=""/> <textbox id="boxR" label="Enter some more text" text=""/> <textview label="You entered: " text='{scalarLet}'/> <dropdown choices='{TABLE pitter, patter, potter (boxQ.text, boxR.text, "Goo!"; "axolotl", "moxie", "Boo!")}' keyMap='{SELECT pitter, patter}' textMap='{potter}' selectedKey='{SELECT recordLet.pitter pitter, recordLet.patter patter}'/> <table id="tableK" recordset='{SELECT d.patter FROM tableLet d}' record="f"> <row> <cell> <textview text='{f.patter}'/> </cell> </row> </table> ...
possible types of let
elements declared inside a
A workflow script running in the Mobilengine Cloud would access the submission of the webform above in the format below:
{... boxQ: {text: "giant"}, boxR: {text: "shrimp"}, selectedKey: {pitter: "giant", patter: "shrimp"}, selectedText: "Goo!", selectedValue: {pitter: "giant", patter: "shrimp", potter: "Goo!"}, scalarLet: "shrimp , giant", recordLet: {pitter: "giant", patter: "shrimp"}, tableLet: [{patter: "giant"}, {patter: "shrimp"}], ...}
See the workflow script reference guide for more details on data type mapping.